Lisa Lach-Nielsen is an artist from Copenhagen, Denmark.
She was born in 1974 and holds a master degree in clothing design from the Royal Danish Academy of Design. She started her career as a visual artist in 2012.
The theme of Lisa’s work is mostly identity or search thereof.
Through her interest in psychology Lisa digs deep into the human mind and soul to reveal all the hidden yet familiar aspects of our existence. Her focus is mostly on young girls and women trying to find balance and navigate in a confusing world, discovering the darker sides of life. Set in surrealistic dreamlike sceneries and by using strong symbolistic figurative language Lisa’s oil paintings show images that are beautiful but to some slightly disturbing, often touching and bringing the viewer’s own subconscious dilemmas to
the surface.
-July. Group show, Haven Gallery, NY, USA
-June. Group show, Galleri oxholm, Denmark
-Jan. Art Herning art fair, Herning, Denmark
-Nov. Group show by Beautiful Bizarre, Haven Gallery, Long Island, New York
-Sep. Group show, Galleri Oxholm
-July. Exhibition, Galleri Liisberg,
-Feb. Art Herning Art fair with Galleri Oxholm
-Oct. Exhibition in Galleri Oxholm
-May. Art Herning art fair, Herning
-May. Galleri Liisberg, Hundested
-Dec. Group show Galleri Oxholm, Copenhagen
-Dec. Group show, Stonesparrow Gallery, New York
-Sept. Solo exhibition, Galleriet Jørgen Østergaard, Ikast
-Summer exhibition Galleri Liisberg
-May, Art Herning art fair with Galleriet Jørgen Østergaard. CANCELLED
-April, Solo exhibition, Galleri oxholm, Copenhagen
-Dec. Christmas group show, Galleri Oxholm, Copenhagen
-Group show, Galleriet Jørgen Østergaard, Ikast
-June. Summer group shows, Galleri Oxholm, Copenhagen
-Feb. Group show in Stone Sparrow Gallery, New York
-Jan. ArtHerning art fair with Galleriet Jørgen Østergaard
-Dec. Group show Stone sparrow Gallery, New York
-Dec. Scope art fair Miami with Galleri Oxholm
-Dec. Christmas show, Galleri Oxholm, Frederiksberg
-Dec. Christmas show, Galleri Liisberg, Hundested
-Sept. North art fair with Galleriet Jørgen Østergaard.
-Sept. Exhibition Gallery Sapere Aude, Copenhagen.
-July. Galleri Liisberg, Hundested.
-April. Spring group show at Galleriet Jørgen Østergaard, Ikast.
-Feb. Art Herning art fair with Galleriet Jørgen Østergaard
-Dec. Humorisme, group show, Galerie Knud Grothe, Charlottenlund
-Sept. NORTH art fair, Aalborg
-August. Late Summer Show, Galleriet Jørgen Østergaard, Ikast
-May, group show, Galerie Knud Grothe, Charlottenlund
-March, Solo exhibition, Galleriet Jørgen Østergaard, Ikast
-January, Art Herning, Galleriet Jørgen Østergaard
-Dec. Solo exhibition, Ros Gallery, Roskilde
-Oct. Group show, Galleri Oxholm, Frederiksberg
-April, easter exhibition, Galleri Liisberg, Hundested
-April, spring group show at Galleriet Jørgen Østergaard
-March, NORTH artfair, Aalborg with Galleriet Jørgen Østergaard
-Sept. Solo Exhibition Ros Gallery, Roskilde
-April, exhibition Galleri Liisberg, Hundested
-April, solo exhibition, Lizas Gallery, Stege
-March, group show, Gristle Gallery, New York
-Dec. Group show, Galleri Oxholm, Copenhagen
-May, solo exhibition in Galleri LABR, Roskilde
-Nov/dec, solo exhibition in Toldkammeret, Helsingør
-July, group exhibition in Galleri Liisberg, Hundested
-April, solo exhibition in Galleri LABR, Roskilde
December exhibition in Galleri Liisberg, Hundested
December exhibition in Galleri LABR, Roskilde
Summer exhibition in Galleri LABR, Roskilde
Solo exhibition in Galleri Liisberg, Hundested
Exhibition in Galleri Oxholm, Copenhagen
Solo exhibition in Galleri Liisberg, Hundested